man o war
Young farmer Joanna Fowlie and her three-year-old Ayrshire Raetea Rubicon Debbie (Debbie) took out the All Breeds Supreme Exhibit award at the New Zealand Dairy Event held at Manfield Park, Feilding last month.
Published in Agribusiness
OPINION: Satisfying, but not at all surprising, that the messages from agriculture sector groups to new Prime Minister Chris Hipkins were more or less entirely in tune.
Published in Opinion
ACT agriculture spokesman Mark Cameron last week wrote to new Prime Minister Chris Hipkins calling for a rethink on agricultural emissions pricing. Here’s his letter:
Published in Opinion
In April 1993 John and Kathryn Loughlin transferred their love of wine into a lifetime of winegrowing, buying a 11 hectare paddock on Hawke's Bay's Te Mata Mangateretere Road, at the edge of the Tukituki River.
Published in Regional Updates
Another wet growing season has tested the mettle of Hawke's Bay grapegrowers, who've fought back with "brilliant" canopy management, says Mark Allen of Mark Allen Vineyard Advisory.
Published in Regional Updates
It's 20 years since Wilco Lam arrived in Wairarapa, and he's seen a "fantastic evolution" ever since.
Published in Regional Updates
OPINION: The latest independent review into Mycoplasma bovis outbreak will be a relief for farmers.
Published in Opinion
A baking competition, dubbed Fonterra Grand Prix, is helping New Zealand grass-fed butter spread its market share in Japan.
Published in General News
The eighth annual New Zealand Rosé Day on 5 February will celebrate New Zealand’s fastest growing wine style in the height of summer, with wineries, retailers, and restaurants thinking pink.
Published in General News
Marlborough Wine & Food Festival
Published in Regional Updates
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