man o war
OPINION: On their second date, my mother, then 17, told my father that she was a socialist. His response was that he was a conservative, so that would mean that their children would be liberals!
Published in Opinion
Fonterra is taking another step in leveraging its expertise in probiotics by partnering with an Irish research centre.
Published in General News
Canterbury-based Vantage New Zealand has recently acquired Carrfields soil moisture technology and services business.
Published in Machinery & Products
At next week’s Agritechnica Event – in Hanover, Germany – Amazone will showcase several tweaks to its sprayer line-up, alongside the arrival of some new additions.
Published in Machinery & Products
A working group, made up of agribusiness leaders, has been set up to help New Zealand remain internationally competitive in genetic gain.
Published in General News
There's an air of anticipation and excitement around February's East Coast Farming Expo - especially with the announcement of the speakers.
Published in Management
OPINION: Irrespective of where you fall on the human-induced-global-warming spectrum - alarmist or sceptic - there is one thing we should all be 100% sure about.
Published in Opinion
South Auckland kiwifruit grower, Brett Wheeler, jokes that some of the companion plants in his 13-hectare effective Glenbrook orchards are so large he has to take to them with a chainsaw.
Published in Management
OPINION: Research out of Massey University claims the concept of an urban/rural divide may not be entirely accurate.
Published in Opinion
After extreme market volatility and record-high prices in recent years, global fertiliser prices are expected to settle in 2024, despite uncertainty posed by the Israel-Hamas conflict as it currently stands.
Published in Agribusiness
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