man o war
Winners of the Beef + Lamb NZ Livestock Farm Award, Okahu farmers John and Lurline Blackwell and their son Peter were not in it for the glory.
Published in General News
A preferred bidder for Solid Energy’s Biodiesel New Zealand business has been announced.
Published in General News
New Zealand's policy makers' misunderstanding of 'food safety,' may be adding thousands of dollars to the individual cost of agricultural production at the farm gate.
Published in General News
Traditional farming challenges are being compounded by recessionary economic conditions and modern farming methods, says Waikato efarming entrepreneur Peter Floyd.
Published in Management
Students looking to fund their agriculture or engineering studies have until October 28 to apply for one of four Ballance Agri-Nutrients scholarships.
Published in General News
FARMERS IN the Horizons region say they could deny access to their properties to members of Fish and Game as a result of its stance on the infamous One Plan and the recently announced decisions on it from the Environment Court. 
Published in General News
FONTERRA CHIEF executive Theo Spierings is expected to announce this week that the co-op’s annual revenues have for the first time exceeded $20 billion. The achievement caps Spierings first year at the helm of the co-op. 
Published in General News
THE MILK payout used to be the main driver of the farm property market, but not anymore, says Bayley’s country property specialist, John Barnett.
Published in Agribusiness
ABOUT 25% of dairy farms will “have significant liquidity risk” this year on current forecasts for costs and milk price, says DairyNZ senior economist Matt Newman.
Published in Agribusiness
AS THE soil starts warming up over the next few months, farmers will be preparing to fertilise their paddocks. For business efficiency and environmental protection it’s important to bear in mind the risks of applying too much fertiliser, and applying it in the wrong place or at the wrong time.
Published in Management
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