man o war
THE DAIRY Women’s Network has now hit    3100 members, growing by 700 in the year to June 2012.
Published in General News
FARMLANDS TRADING Society was considered a daring business model when it set up as a cooperative 50 years ago.
Published in Agribusiness
OVER RECENT years the search for pathways that enable new entrants to participate in the primary sector, and existing operations to expand their investments, has prompted development of equity partnerships and syndicated farming businesses.
Published in Agribusiness
Industry good body DairyNZ says it has the expertise lined-up and waiting for the development and management of a new Dairy Industry Good Animal Database, should Livestock Improvement (LIC) shareholders approve the transfer of the Core Database this month.
Published in General News
THE NEWLY converted farm is a few kilometres from Normanby. It’s great dairy country and on a fine day you can clearly see the centrepiece of the region – Mt Taranaki. 
Published in Management
CALVING IS over for most farmers, and disbudding, tagging and vaccinating the calves are ticked off. And for most, AB is well underway.
Published in Farm Health
ADAPTING TO robotic milking can be a longer process for farmers than for cows, says a Cambridge dairyman cited by DeLaval.
Published in Machinery & Products
A NEW silage cutter, the German-made BvL Topstar block cutter, is fast and runs minimal risk of spoiling the stack face, says distributor Webbline.
Published in Machinery & Products
GREATER CHOICE in 4x4 suspension and accessories is now offered by Ironman 4x4.
Published in Machinery & Products
Entries have opened in the 2013 New Zealand Dairy Industry Awards.
Published in General News
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