man o war
NEW ZEALAND produces the freshest, cleanest milk – fastest, too, according to advertisements. ‘The fastest is the freshest and the freshest tastes the best’ is supported by research using taste panels; few people like the taste of milk as it sours.
Published in Opinion
OLYMPIC ROWING gold medal winner Mahe Drysdale will be among a line-up of high-calibre speakers to the Dairy Women Network’s conference in Nelson in March where discussions will include the rural/urban divide, environmental constraints and developing future leaders.
Published in Agribusiness
CONVERTING A corner of a large-scale Southland sheep and beef unit to dairy has made the whole business more sustainable, say Andrew and Heather Tripp.
Published in Management
DURING THE last month most cows will have reached peak milk production. The typical rate of post-peak decline for pasture-fed herds is accepted as being 7% month on month.
Published in Management
THE FIGURES speak for themselves, says CRV Ambreed. Nearly 86,000 daughters still milking in the national herd and producing a combined 1.23 million straws of semen between them.
Published in Farm Health
KIA HAS expanded its Optima range in New Zealand with a new ‘entry level’ model, on sale at $41,990 plus on-road costs.
Published in Machinery & Products
The uptake of on-farm recycling has received a major boost with Federated Farmers and the Agrecovery Foundation, actively joining forces to increase farmer involvement in the Agrecovery recycling programme.
Published in General News
Trade Minister Tim Groser has welcomed the arrival of over 500 negotiators from 11 countries to Round 15 of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiations, which run from today (December 3) until December 12 in Auckland.
Published in General News
Fonterra is investing $500 million at its Darfield site to meet growing milk production in Canterbury.
Published in General News
The conviction of a senior livestock agent in Blenheim serves as a warning that the illegal tagging of cattle will not be tolerated, says the Animal Health Board (AHB).
Published in General News
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