GLOBAL DAIRY commodity prices continue to rise and fundamentals are supporting a firmer tone across dairy markets as global supply diminishes.
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Fonterra Chairman elect John Wilson says the launch of TAF and opening of the new Darfield site symbolises the strong future for the 100% farmer controlled and owned cooperative.
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Fonterra is investing $500 million at its Darfield site to meet growing milk production in Canterbury.
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When Fonterra shareholder Philip van der Bijl stepped up to ring the market bell on the stroke of midday today it marked the start of live share trading among farmers, and a new era of opportunity for New Zealanders to join the Fonterra success story.
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Prime Minister John Key has opened Fonterra's new $200 million Darfield site in Christchurch.
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The 8600 bales of North Island wool on offer saw a generally strong market with a 95% clearance, New Zealand Wool Services International Ltd's general manager, John Dawson, reports.
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Fonterra will an office in Delhi and is appointing Hamish Gowans as general manager for Fonterra in India.
Published in General News
Fonterra will an office in Delhi and is appointing Hamish Gowans as general manager for Fonterra in India.
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Tariffs imposed by other countries on our products cost New Zealand's 5400 commercial growers on average $44,000 each, an increase of $10,000 on last year.
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What do Mexico, Brazil, Poland and Nigeria have in common?
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