The world's largest milk powder drier at Fonterra's Darfield site kicked into gear last week.
Published in General News
Fonterra chairman John Wilson and chief executive Theo Spierings will lead a board of directors' visit to China next week to meet with Fonterra management and key stakeholders.
Published in General News
COLLABORATION AND consolidation will be the key to horticulture growing from a $3.5 billion industry today to its targeted aim of $10 billion per annum by 2020.
Published in Agribusiness
Mere lip service to sustainability is not in itself sustainable, says chemical company BASF. 
Published in Agribusiness
A CRISIS tests leadership. And if a crisis makes or breaks a leader, Fonterra chief executive Theo Spierings has come out a winner.
Published in Opinion
Westland has lifted its 2013/14 forecast to $7.60-$8/kgMS before retentions- $1/kgMS more than the company's first forecast in May. The advance rate has also increased to $5/kgMS, payable September 20, 2013.
Published in General News
At last, some positive news from Fonterra.
Published in General News
Apart from a small selection of mid micron wools, all other types at the South Island sale were between 1 and 4% dearer, New Zealand Wool Services International Ltd's general manager, John Dawson, says.
Published in General News
The Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has revoked export certificates for four consignments of lactoferrin manufactured by Westland Milk Products which have nitrate levels that exceed the New Zealand standard.
Published in General News
An analysis of social media in New Zealand and China has found an emerging group of Chinese residents in New Zealand and others with close ties to China, vigorously defending New Zealand's brand in the wake of Fonterra's whey protein contamination crisis.
Published in General News
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