MPI IS sounding a caution about debt in the dairy sector.
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A Shanghai Court has upheld the findings against Zespri's China-based subsidiary and one of the subsidiary's employees, relating to the under-declaration of customs duties on imports into Shanghai of New Zealand kiwifruit between 2008 and 2010.
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Federated Farmers believes the 7.5% shareholding in Synlait taken by FrieslandCampina Investments Holding BV1, a subsidiary of Dutch Dairy Cooperative giant FrieslandCampina, could shake-up the New Zealand dairy industry.
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Wine growers have welcomed the economic cooperation agreement signed this week between New Zealand and Taiwan, giving New Zealand wine tariff-free access to the Taiwan market as soon as it comes into force next year.
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LANDCORP HAS done another deal with the Chinese company Shanghai Pengxin – this time to help develop a giant sheep farm.
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Rabobank forecasts New Zealand's beef prices to firm next quarter, as supplies tighten after the higher, drought-induced slaughter volumes, and forecasts of a wetter-than-average winter also encourage producers to retain stock.
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New rules for meat exports to China will be implemented today, Primary Industries Minister Nathan Guy and Food Safety Minister Nikki Kaye say.
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Westland Milk finished the season with a 5.3% increase in milk processed on last season, despite the drought on the West Coast.
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A farmer-written report that explores our marketing of primary produce in Korea, Taiwan and China is "recommended reading".
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Synlait Milk plans to raise $75 million new primary capital and will also hold a secondary sell down set at about $45 million.
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