What a fabulous time to come on board Hawke’s Bay Winegrowers Inc. with not only a vintage to remember, but with an organization and community that wants change.  The last five months have been one of observation, learning and doing as only a sole employee can.  
Published in Regional Updates
A GROUP of UK sheep and beef farmer representatives say they share New Zealand farmers' concerns about profitability in the sector, but are optimistic for the future.
Published in General News
AUSTRALIAN SHEEPMEAT exports to China during the 2012-13 financial year leapt 91% to a record 69,860 tonnes, boosted by a more than five-fold year-on-year lift in mutton exports to 35,867 tonnes.
Published in World News
GLOBAL DAIRY players don’t come much bigger and more powerful than Royal FrieslandCampina.
Published in Opinion
FONTERRA HAS appointed two new members to its executive management team.
Published in Agribusiness
Trade Minister Tim Groser has confirmed New Zealand is working closely with our trading partners to keep them informed of the potential contamination of some products.
Published in General News
Fonterra is in damage control as its export markets react to potentially contaminated whey protein concentrate ending up in infant formula and other dairy products.
Published in General News
A dirty pipe at Fonterra's Hautapu factory in Waikato threatens to knock the co-op's infant formula business on the head.
Published in General News
The 7000 bales of South Island wools on offer this week saw a slightly easier market overall with an 82% clearance, reports NZ Wool Services International Ltd's general manager, John Dawson.
Published in General News
Fonterra has lifted its forecast farmgate milk price for the 2013-14 season by 50 cents to $7.50/kgMS.
Published in General News
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