Displaying items by tag: HUGH GARDYNE

Not all farmers are happy with a new panel set up by the Government to advice on new methane emissions targets.

Published in Rural News
Tuesday, 07 May 2024 12:55

Council urged to delay rate hikes

A Southland farming leader wants the regional council to delay a proposed regional rates hike, much of which is intended to fund flood protection works.

Published in General News
Tuesday, 08 November 2022 07:55

No confidence vote?

Beef + Lamb NZ (B+LNZ) directors and senior staff have been told to shape up or ship out, as farmer anger boils over about proposed farm emissions taxes.

Published in General News
Tuesday, 10 May 2022 12:55

Leave rural water schemes alone

Rural water schemes need to be exempted from the Government's proposed Three Waters reforms.

Published in General News

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OPINION: The inquiry into rural banking practice was welcomed at Fieldays, but Groundswell NZ added a proviso that this must…

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OPINION: Some purists just seem to want to block any progress in NZ, oblivious to the social costs of preventing…

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