Displaying items by tag: DairyNZ
Dairy on a winning streak
Levy-funded bodies must justify deal
It's time for DairyNZ and Beef + Lamb NZ to justify their split of the eradication costs of Mycoplasma bovis.
Beef and dairy announce cost split for M. bovis
DairyNZ and Beef + Lamb New Zealand have reached an agreement on how they will split the cost of eradicating Mycoplasma bovis.
Forum set to inspire Dairy Environment Leaders
This week Wellington is hosting nearly one-hundred of New Zealand’s most passionate dairy farming leaders.
Farm moves starting to add up
Switching to Jerseys lowers footprint
Keeping M. bovis at bay during mating
Dairy farmers are using a range of tactics to keep their cows and farms safe from Mycoplasma bovis this mating season.
Programme to improve sector's in-calf rates
DairyNZ has redeveloped and updated a reproduction knowledge course known as the InCalf training programme.
Efficient effluent system, processes vital
Good effluent management is a combination of a well-designed effluent system and processes for people, says DairyNZ.
Rowarth wants better rap for dairy
Science, communication and how dairy works with other sectors to ensure New Zealand has a good reputation for sustainability will be a focus for Jacqueline Rowarth as a new director of DairyNZ.