Displaying items by tag: DairyNZ
Timely reminder
With the Government intent on strangling farmers with unachievable emissions targets, abetted by the ‘suits’ at industry-good bodies, we hear a timely reminder from a scientist.
DairyNZ director steps down
Selecting the right bull
Good bull management means running adequate numbers of bulls with the herd, reducing their stress, and handling bulls to minimise the risk of injury to people and animals, says DairyNZ.
Climate report gives much needed detail
The latest IPCC Special Report has the potential to turn the way we look at climate change on its head, says DairyNZ chief executive Dr Tim Mackle.
Farm levy/rebates way to go
An emissions trading scheme would not address the problem of agricultural emissions, said DairyNZ last week in its submission to the Government on its proposals. Here are excerpts from the submission.
Great leader retires at 41
The dairy industry must look forward continually to assess itself as fit for purpose – or not. So says retiring DairyNZ director Ben Allomes.
DairyNZ calls for director nominations
Bad winter grazing does do harm
Winter grazing of forage crops is very harmful to the environment, says an AgResearch scientist, Professor Richard McDowell.
Unsocial media
Differences are publicly emerging between farmer leaders and DairyNZ over support for the Government’s policies on sustainability.
Easing cows into winter crops
Successful grazing of crop paddocks is achieved by good management of people, cows and the environment, says DairyNZ.