Displaying items by tag: DairyNZ

DairyNZ say the government needs to rethink how environmental research is funded in New Zealand.

Published in General News
Wednesday, 09 December 2020 05:55

Pasture on steroids

A very wet warm October/November has put a damper on milk production in many parts of the North Island, according to DairyNZ.

Published in General News

A team led by DairyNZ received a Primary Industries Award at the Kudos Awards last week.

Published in General News
Wednesday, 25 November 2020 10:55

Milking cows behind the barbed wire

A recent field day at the Waikeria Prison Farm near Te Awamutu offered farmers the chance to see what goes on “behind the wire”, alongside introducing the idea of farmers employing offenders near the end or after the term of their sentences.

Published in Management
Tuesday, 24 November 2020 07:55

Nonsense rule irks West Coasters

The government's new freshwater regulations are creating a few headaches for West Coast dairy farmers, according to DairyNZ South Island head Tony Finch.

Published in General News
Tuesday, 17 November 2020 10:55

Grass growing, milk flowing

The dairy industry is humming with strong pasture growth, thanks to a kind winter and a mild spring.

Published in General News
Tuesday, 03 November 2020 07:55

Not the time for militancy

DairyNZ chairman Jim van der Poel says some farmers would prefer a more militant approach in tackling contentious issues affecting the sector.

Published in General News

Investing in effluent storage is a significant decision on-farm, so it’s worth taking the time to carefully plan what is needed to ensure the right design for your farm.

Published in Management
Wednesday, 28 October 2020 09:03

Govt link key to DairyNZ strategy

DairyNZ chairman Jim van der Poel says a constructive relationship with the Government is vital for the industry-good organisation.

Published in General News
Thursday, 22 October 2020 09:30

Van der Poel, Glass re-elected by farmers

Dairy farmers have returned Jim van der Poel and Colin Glass as DairyNZ directors for another three-year term.

Published in General News
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