Displaying items by tag: DairyNZ
Growing a leafy vegetable for cows could reduce N leaching
Incorporating certain varieties of plantain into a cow’s diet has been shown to reduce the nitrogen concentration in their urine, which can leach through soil into groundwater.
Taking the heat off cows and people
As the hot weather starts to kick in around the country, DairyNZ has put out a special plea to farmers to protect themselves from the heat and also to ensure that their cows are kept cool.
Govt must take note - Bennett
National's agriculture spokesman David Bennett says the Government should take note of new research confirming the New Zealand dairy industry’s low carbon emission profile.
Moves to improve winter grazing requirements
DairyNZ says it supports recommendations to the Government from an advisory group looking to improve winter grazing rules for farmers and achieve better environmental outcomes.
Editorial: Dairy's star billing
OPINION: The statistics speak for themselves; the dairy industry remains the country’s star performer.
Another productive season
New Zealand Dairy Statistics for the 2019/20 season reveal the season was a productive one for dairy farmers.
Dairy's record production in a challenging year
The annual New Zealand Dairy Statistics publication reveals another record year for the dairy sector, with total milksolids production at a record high.
Fonterra and DairyNZ join forces to tackle nitrogen leaching
Fonterra will team up with DairyNZ to expand a trial to help improve waterways and reduce on-farm greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Winter grazing advice presented to ministers
A group formed to look at implementation of intensive winter grazing regulations has delivered its advice to the Government.
Kudos for landmark fertility research
Ground-breaking collaborative research into improving dairy fertility genetics has been recognised in the annual Kudos Awards.