working platform
SUPPLIERS TO Synlait Milk can earn 6c/kgMS more for their milk next season, and possibly 12c/kgMS after that, if they achieve new, internationally accredited assurance standards.
Published in Agribusiness
ABOUT 80% of the milk sourced by Riverina Dairy factory in Albury, Australia, comes from Riverina Milk, which runs 1500 cows at Corowa.
Published in Farm Health
NEW HOLLAND’S BigBaler range of large square balers has won the company a SIMA Silver innovation medal. The judges are said to have been impressed by the safety features and best-in-class outputs. 
Published in Machinery & Products
IN A career beginning in Gisborne and Hawke’s Bay, working as a stock agent then starting his own stock buying/selling business, Hugh Chisholm and wife Sue now own and run a large-scale dairy farm at Puketurua, near Putaruru. Along the way he has been a top auctioneer and has refereed rugby to first class level.
Published in Management
ABOUT 50 OAD farmers, and others thinking about converting, turned up for a field day at Longview. Especially interesting is that the established dairy farm on the property is twice-a-day (TAD) while the newer conversion is running OAD. 
Published in Management
Shareholders of post harvest kiwifruit operators EastPack and Satara are being asked to approve a merger of the companies following the signing of a merger implementation agreement today (February 4).
Published in General News
Outgoing Fonterra chairman Henry van der Heyden said he knew when Fonterra chief executive Theo Spierings joined Fonterra just over a year ago he would hit the ground running.
Published in General News
Fonterra's dairy farmer supplier-shareholders are welcoming an early Christmas gift, with the cooperative lifting its 2012/13 forecast payout by 25 cents per kilogram of milk solids (kg/MS).
Published in General News
Fonterra's dairy farmer supplier-shareholders are welcoming an early Christmas gift, with the cooperative lifting its 2012/13 forecast payout by 25 cents per kilogram of milk solids (kg/MS).
Published in General News
New Zealand Young Farmers is celebrating a milestone reaching over 2000 members.
Published in General News
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