red carrots
Uncertainty over continued access to fertile land and irrigation water are potentially forcing some vegetable growers out of business.
Published in General News
New Zealand farmer Matt Iremonger has won the highly-regarded Australasian business award for a strategic business plan he developed for a start-up farming enterprise in North Canterbury.
Published in General News
When it was suggested to Aaron Jay, owner of Marlborough Vine Works that he undertake The Icehouse Owner Manager Programme, he scoffed. Now four years after completing the course, he is anything but skeptical.
Published in Industry
Land and water remain the key constraints to growth in horticultural production, HortNZ has told the Productivity Commission.
Published in General News
South Auckland farmer Tony Walters is not a computer buff, instead relying on his teenage children to help him navigate the internet.
Published in Management
Do you know how docks, thistles and dandelions differ in their ability to regrow? Or from how deep particular weed species germinate? Or what are the alternative hosts for the pests that try to demolish your crops?
Published in Management
Dana Blackburn is an Ohakune local – born and bred in nearby Raetihi. 
Published in Management
As parents gear up for a new year of school lunches, research has found children who regularly eat fresh fruit and vegetables at school are better behaved, more alert, and healthier.
Published in General News
MID-CANTERBURY CONTRACTOR Murray Donaldson, of Interow Spraying, is getting a “really good run” from his firm’s three Berti TSB mulchers, says the distributor, Farmgard.
Published in Machinery & Products
SOLID BUSINESS management and attention to detail is behind the success of the winners of Silver Fern Farms, Hawke’s Bay Farmer of the Year 2014.
Published in Management
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