man o war
New Zealand Food Safety (NZFS) has launched a new campaign targeting foodborne illnesses during the festive and summer season.
Published in General News
As 2022 draws to a close, many farmers will be looking for a fresh start in 2023. Many rural people feel that the past year was difficult one where they were constantly under the gun. In this retrospective, Leo Argent highlights some of the highs and lows of another year in the rural sector.
Published in General News
Prices fetched by New Zealand's primary produce are facing clear downward pressure as economic conditions deteriorate offshore.
Published in General News
The Dairy Companies Association of NZ (DCANZ) says it’s disappointed at the Government’s response to the He Waka Eke Noa partnership proposal.
Published in General News
While the numbers in the SOPI report look good and there are positive signs, there are also some headwinds.
Published in General News
In its outreach to the wine industry, one of Fire and Emergency New Zealand’s core messages centres on the need to reduce the accidental activation of fire alarms.
Published in General News
New Zealand’s rapidly changing climate is likely to bring an increase in extreme fire weather days and longer fire seasons.
Published in General News
Studying primary industry business management amid the vines has piqued Phillip Dight’s interest in sustainable wine growing.
Published in Profiles
Lynnette Hudson is fresh off the plane from Austria when we speak, having run a Pinot Noir workshop and worked a sevenweek winemaking stint.
Published in Profiles
Agriculture Minister Damien O'Connor is talking up the latest figures, which show export returns from the primary sector year topped the $53 billion mark this year - an 11% increase on the previous year.
Published in General News
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