man o war
At the other extreme of the nation's weather stats, Central Otago had low rainfall from December through February, with 44.4mm of rain (37% of the LTA) in the 82 days from 1 December to 20 February.
Published in Regional Updates
In North Canterbury, Greystone Viticulturist Mike Saunders is very happy about harvest prospects, with Pinot Noir his pick for the season, due to good flavour development at lower brix.
Published in Regional Updates
Austrian grassland specialist Pottinger has launched Harvest Assist, a new, innovative app that helps to simplify and optimise logistics while harvesting forage.
Published in Machinery & Products
Further to the dealership agreement between CNH Industrial and Norwood ending on 12 January 2023, Norwood has announced that it will close four of its locations, reduce the size of one dealership and lose 36 staff in a realignment of its retail network and business strategy.
Published in Machinery & Products
Up until the new millennium, Claas had a been a harvest specialist, best known for its combines, self-propelled forage harvesters and an extensive range of mowers, tedders, rakes and both round and square balers.
Published in Machinery & Products
A fertility trait change by New Zealand Animal Evaluation Ltd (NZAEL) will provide more accurate information to dairy farmers and artificial breeding companies ahead of the next mating season.
Published in Farm Health
Five young breeders will be heading to Belgium in August to attend the European Young Breeders School (EYBS), making their mark on the future of the industry.
Published in Farm Health
The largest genetics co-operative in the world, Select Sires, has officially recognised the contribution of Waikato farmer and World Wide Sires (WWS) breeding consultant, Dyanne Osborne.
Published in Farm Health
After an absence of two years due to Covid and international travel restrictions, the New Zealand Dairy Youth Team returned to Northern Victoria, Australia recently to compete at International Dairy Week (IDW) at Tatura Park.
Published in Farm Health
Woodville dairy farmer Ben Allomes says the adoption of plantain has been a game changer for his farm system and business.
Published in Management
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