man o war
THOSE WHO have been around a while know that one of the certainties of business life is change. That has taken on a new dimension with the volatility of compressed business cycles accentuating positive and negative swings. An obvious example is the recent softening of dairy prices which has cast an unexpected shadow over 2013 and beyond. 
Published in Agribusiness
ROTORUA’S KAPENGA M Trust has won the Ahuwhenua Trophy for a second time, taking honours for New Zealand’s best Maori dairy farm. In 2003 it won the award for best Maori sheep-and-beef farm.
Published in Agribusiness
IT’S THE calm before the storm as dairy farmers wait out the next month or so for the start of calving. But Manawatu DairyNZ consulting officer Abby Hull says there are plenty of important tasks to do in this ‘quiet’ period.
Published in Management
A TEAT spray released last week in Hamilton is expected to “dramatically reduce” mastitis infection rates in dairy herds.
Published in Farm Health
UDDER HEALTH on dairy farms remains a priority and the control of the infectious pressure of mastitis-causing pathogens is the key to improving dairy herd productivity. This was the conclusion of the recent 5th European Mastitis Panel (EMP) meeting near Bristol, southwest England. 
Published in Farm Health
ON SUNDAY last, I saw two large, sludge-filled effluent ponds on a Horowhenua farm. They hold about 3000m3.
Published in Management
‘ADDICTIVE’ EXHAUST sound and muscular sports design distinguishes the ‘next-generation’ Ford Focus ST, previewed at the National Fieldays.
Published in Machinery & Products
With 66% of Fonterra shareholder-suppliers backing Trading Among Farmers (TAF), Federated Farmers is calling on the cooperative to unite. This call comes off an 85% turnout among shareholders.
Published in General News
With 66% of Fonterra shareholder-suppliers backing Trading Among Farmers (TAF), Federated Farmers is calling on the cooperative to unite. This call comes off an 85% turnout among shareholders.
Published in General News
Fonterra shareholders have voted in favour of implementing Trading Among Farmers.
Published in General News
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