FONTERRA HAS upped its forecast payout for the 2012 season 20c/kgMS to $6.90-$7.00 for a fully shared up farmer.
Published in General News
CONCERNS OVER Europe’s economy has hit wool consumer and processor confidence, making many buyers stand out of the market, says Wool Services International.
Published in General News
FARMERS ARE concerned that imported strawberry seed kits went on sale without proper biosecurity checks.
Published in General News
A LEADING economist is predicting the New Zealand dollar to drop buffering farmers from lower commodity prices in the coming year.
Published in General News
John Key says there needs to be a balance between encouraging agricultural production and protecting the environment.
Published in General News
NEW FONTERRA chief executive Theo Spierings says the co-op is looking at the viability of a custodian to hold shares under TAF.
Published in General News
THE FIRST BATCH of infant formula from Canterbury processor Synlait Milk goes on sale in Shanghai supermarkets next month.
Published in Agribusiness
IT IS six years since I was photographed in front of a huge portrait of Chairman Mao Zedong – while I’m showing the ravages of time; he hasn’t changed a bit. 
Published in Opinion
A Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) would transform New Zealand's agriculture and economy by involving five of our top ten export partners.
Published in General News
A FREE trade agreement with Chinese Taipei would boost returns for New Zealand dairy farmers, says Dairy Companies of New Zealand (DCANZ) executive director Simon Tucker.
Published in Agribusiness
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