Displaying items by tag: HORTICULTURE NZ

Friday, 06 August 2021 09:46

'Supermarkets are not villains'

Supermarkets shouldn't be seen as villians when it comes to competition and returns in the retail sector, says former Horticulture NZ chief executive Mike Chapman.

Published in General News
Wednesday, 14 July 2021 09:55

Govt out of touch with hort

Horticulture NZ's new chief executive says she's floored by the number of wellbeing issues the sector is currently facing.

Published in General News

HortNZ chief executive Mike Chapman says a complete overhaul of the Resource Management Act is urgently needed for NZ to recover quickly from the effects of Covid-19.

Published in General News

HortNZ chair Barry O’Neill is impressed with the way the horticulture sector has worked collectively and positively on all the issues it has faced.

Published in General News
Wednesday, 27 February 2019 13:27

Magical thinking

While we're on the topic of a higher minimum wage, Horticulture NZ chief Mike Chapman is a clear thinker on this, cutting through the bulldust coming out of Wellington.

Published in Milking It
Friday, 01 June 2018 09:58

Bernadine joins HortNZ board

Auckland-based marketing manager Bernadine Guilleux has joined the Horticulture New Zealand board.

Published in General News
Thursday, 26 October 2017 09:55

Vegetable shortage highlights food security

New Zealand's food security needs to be addressed by the incoming government, says Horticulture NZ’s chief executive Mike Chapman.

Published in General News
Tuesday, 24 October 2017 09:01

Growers take a hit

Vegetable growers will be taking a hit from lost production this year because of the wet weather, says Horticulture NZ’s chief executive Mike Chapman.

Published in General News
Wednesday, 06 September 2017 07:55

A need to keep hort sector booming

The $5.6 billion horticulture industry is a big contributor to New Zealand’s economic wellbeing.

Published in General News
Tuesday, 29 August 2017 07:55

O’Connor defends proposed water tax

The farming sector has its head in the sand if it doesn’t realise water is a huge issue waiting to be tackled, says Labour’s primary industries spokesperson Damien O’Connor.

Published in General News
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