Displaying items by tag: Fonterra
Fonterra delivers pleasing half-year results
Fonterra’s first half results show a turnaround in financial performance, with increased underlying earnings and reduced debt.
Time to embrace the alternative protein debate
Co-founder of FoodTruths.org, Helen Darling thinks it's time to stop dismissing or ‘going on the offensive’ about alternative proteins.
Fonterra remains confident in forecast
Unlike some other exporters, Fonterra’s scheduling, logistics and delivery activities to all markets are largely operating as normal, the cooperative says.
Coronavirus impact on dairy ‘moderate’
The coronavirus has only had a moderate impact on dairy prices so far, according to Westpac head of strategy Imre Speizer.
Developing leaders for tomorrow
Last month, 21 developing dairy industry leaders started Fonterra’s year-long Governance Development Programme, with two days of presentations and discussions at Fonterra’s head office in Auckland.
Fonterra chair to step down
China supply chains could take months to clear
Unlike some other exporters, Fonterra’s scheduling, logistics and delivery activities to all markets are largely operating as normal, the cooperative says.
Neylon book pulls few punches
Well-known Southland farmer and agribusinessman Keith Neylon has just penned a no-holds barred biography.
Fonterra keeps payout forecast despite coronavirus woes
Fonterra is sticking to its forecast farmgate milk price range at $7-$7.60/kgMS despite the global uncertainty around coronavirus.