Displaying items by tag: CORONAVIRUS
Recovery better than expected
Hundreds of workers stranded
Hundreds of Pacific Islanders stranded in Central Otago during the Covid-19 lockdown may be facing a long wait until they can safely return home.
Primary industries drive COVID-19 recovery
Following a new economic report, Ag Minister Damien O’Connor is celebrating primary industries’ role in the COVID-19 recovery.
Farm accommodation stand-off
Dairy farmers and the Government remain at loggerheads over COVID-19 tenancy restrictions for on-farm accommodation.
Hundreds now employed in COVID-19 conservation jobs
Hundreds now employed in COVID-19 conservation jobs
Dairy farming facing potential labour shortage — Nats
With thousands of migrant visas set to expire, National’s ag spokesperson David Bennett is urging the Government to act quickly to avoid a potential labour shortage for the calving season.
Smooth Moving Day despite bad weather, pandemic
Moving day around the country appears to have gone relatively smoothly despite the disruption and uncertainty created by the Covid-19 pandemic.
Govt funding for local kiwifruit workers
A training programme to help the kiwifruit industry provide employment opportunities for New Zealanders is receiving Government funding.
Global dairy prices settling down
Global dairy prices are settling down after a rollercoaster ride triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic.