Displaying items by tag: CORONAVIRUS
Aussie farmers faring well despite Covid headwinds
One-way quarantine free travel dates confirmed for RSE scheme
As part of a programme of work to reopen borders and reconnect with the world, the Government has announced the commencement dates for quarantine free travel for Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) workers into New Zealand.
Border crossing seamless for South Auckland farmer
Seamless is how South Auckland dairy farmer Brian Gallagher describes the way the system allows him and his staff to cross the Auckland border weekly into the Waikato to look after stock.
Alliance announces virtual roadshow
Technology behind Covid wastewater testing helping farmers identify disease in herd
The technology used to detect Covid-19 in wastewater is now being used to help dairy farmers manage Johne’s disease in their herd.
PFG shows farmers and customers the love
At this year's National Fieldays, the Power Group (PFG) set out to thank farmers and contractors for their efforts in keeping the country going through Covid in 2020 with a 'We Love Farmers' theme.
Questions over Govt's Covid strategy
China demands, NZ delivers
Meat Industry Association chair John Loughlin says China is one of the most demanding export markets in the world.
Bull sales continue in lockdowns
A hybrid auction platform launched during last year's Covid lockdown is allowing beef and dairy bull sales across the North Island to continue.
Benefits of shovel ready projects
OPINION: As I write, our nation has returned to lockdowns and it has given me time to reflect on all we have accomplished in the year since the Covid-19 pandemic hit this country hard.