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Dairy Australia senior industry analyst John Droppert chaired a panel discussion on volatility in the dairy industry. Here are excerpts:
Published in World News
Mastitis remains the biggest dairy disease for farmers.
Published in Farm Health
An ongoing trial of integrated pest management (IPM) strategies in forage brassica crops is showing positive signs, says the insecticide maker DuPont.
Published in Management
Despite some spring health issues and the falling milk price, Webster Farms, the Hauraki Plains P3 Focus Farm, increased production by 10,617kgMS in its first year as a focus farm.
Published in General News
Chicory and its contribution to a $37,000 reduction in feed costs was a highlight in a tough year with the payout drop for the P3 Hauraki Focus Farm at Ngatea.
Published in General News
The wider agribusiness sector has nailed its share of loot in the recent Budget – with extra money for R&D, training, irrigation, animal welfare and biosecurity.
Published in General News
The 2015 New Zealand Farm Manager of the Year, James Foote (30), has a drive and thirst for knowledge.
Published in General News
AIR NEW Zealand is under fire from farmers for pulling out of some regional routes.
Published in General News
PLACENTAS WERE never part of Angela Payne’s plans when she started in business in 2002 supplying ‘waste’ animal products to a few niche clients.
Published in Agribusiness
THE JERSEY breed was one of the foundation stones of the New Zealand dairy industry; not so today with the number and popularity of these brown cows diminishing initially in favour of the larger-framed Friesians but more latterly for crossbreds. 
Published in Farm Health
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