man o war
Dairy effluent, particularly slurry, can be a big problem.
Published in General News
Sharemilking as a career path is alive and well, says a new report on progression in the dairy industry.
Published in General News
For 30 years Tony Laithwaite has been championing New Zealand wines in the UK. Now he is hoping wine lovers will champion his new operation here in New Zealand.
Published in Industry
Get your colostrum feeding right and you'll go a long way towards raising healthy replacement calves.
Published in Farm Health
As the dairy industry's spring calving kicks off, the Bobby Calf Action Group (BCAG) is reminding everyone who handles calves of the important role they have to play.
Published in General News
The sheep industry celebrated its best and brightest at the Beef + Lamb NZ Sheep Industry Awards in Masterton last night.
Published in General News
Colin McKenzie has been appointed as the new chief executive officer for Christchurch based NZ Yarn Ltd, effective Monday, July 4.
Published in General News
Federated Farmers says they continue to endorse farmers' rights to decide what technologies are used on their farms, including GMOS.
Published in General News
Federated Farmers Meat and Fibre chairman Rick Powdrell spoke at the Feds' annual conference last week. Here are excerpts from his speech.
Published in Opinion
A relative newcomer to the 'heavy metal' scene, Chinese tractor manufacturer Boton, took flight at Fieldays, launching four product offerings.
Published in Machinery & Products
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