man o war
A recent NZ Herald article indicated that collaboration over Waikato Regional Council’s Healthy Rivers/Wai Ora Plan Change 1 has cost ratepayers in the Waikato $14.8 million, to date.
Published in Opinion
For the 70 invited guests at the Classic Reds symposium held in Hawke’s Bay, it was a lesson not only in the wines on show, but an explanation of why these wines have been late to join the NZ wine party.
Published in General News
The Stratford Demonstration Farm Society will celebrate its centennial on June 10.
Published in General News
Three emerging dairy industry leaders are finalists in the sixth annual Fonterra Dairy Woman of the Year awards contest.
Published in General News
“We just want to get on with it,” say Manawatu dairy farmers reacting to news that Horizons Regional Council’s One Plan implementation has effectively been ruled unlawful by the Environment Court.
Published in General News
New Zealand's strong export focus is unusual because our GDP relies heavily on our primary industries and export markets.
Published in Opinion
Future use of the herbicide glyphosate in Europe remains uncertain.
Published in Opinion
Have you heard the one about the celebrity cook, private school and Oxford educated scion of the landed gentry and the poverty worker?
Published in The Hound
Māori don't talk much about the good things they do and don’t talk themselves up enough, says the Minister of Māori Development, Te Ururoa Flavell.
Published in Agribusiness
With modern technology your farm’s customers are only a smartphone call away, Primary Industry Minister Nathan Guy says.
Published in General News
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