man o war
Woodville dairy farmer Ben Allomes is stepping down from the DairyNZ board after an eight-year stint.
Published in General News
Horticulture has joined the prestigious Ahuwhenua Trophy competition.
Published in General News
The Dawkins family are Beef + Lamb New Zealand Innovation farmers working to maximise triplet lamb survival via an indoor lambing system now in its third year.
Published in Management
OPINION: Contrary to recent suggestions in the media, there is very little credible research supporting the success of homeopathic treatment of mastitis in dairy cows.
Published in Farm Health
Dairy farmers in New Zealand are world leading producers of low emissions milk, writes Tim Mackle, chief executive of DairyNZ.
Published in Opinion
OPINION: New Zealand's farming sector is often targeted by any number of different pressure groups wanting to blame it for one or other of the world’s problems.
Published in Opinion
Canterbury milk processor Synlait has taken over ownership of Talbot Forest Cheese.
Published in General News
Fonterra subsidiary, Farm Source is teaming up with a new online marketplace called TheMarket, operated by The Warehouse Group.
Published in General News
Nitrate poisoning usually occurs in late autumn or winter when nitrate levels in the feed are high, particularly during a flush of growth after a dry period.
Published in Farm Health
OPINION: Climate change is a hefty challenge, and sheep and beef farmers feel its effects in more frequent floods and extreme droughts.
Published in Opinion
Page 507 of 1067

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