man o war
Dairy Commodity markets have traversed softer ground for 2023, and this is now reflected in Fonterra’s new forecast farmgate midpoint of NZ$ 8.50/kgMS.
Published in Agribusiness
A Give-a-Little page set up in the aftermath of Cyclone Gabrielle has seen farmers from across the globe band together to support their peers on the East Coast.
Published in General News
Ngai Tukairangi Trust chair Ratahi Cross was one of many people to have a narrow and frightening escape from the floodwaters that struck around Puketapu, north east of Napier and adjacent to Eskdale.
Published in General News
Greenhouse gas science communicator Dr Frank Mitloehner says the New Zealand Government must work with farmers to achieve climate goals, not against them.
Published in General News
Cloud Farmer - the business behind the eponymous farm management software app - has just launched a free Flood Recovery app designed to help farms affected by Cyclone Gabrielle.
Published in General News
It's a resounding ‘no’ to the first two laws in the Government’s Resource Management Act (RMA) reform package.
Published in General News
A warning for people who say all NZ has to do is argue that it is not causing any more global warming than it currently does: That argument won’t cut it with the rest of the world, according to the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Simon Upton.
Published in General News
Look for market trends, rather than market signals.
Published in General News
"Despite the horrific consequences and devastation of cyclones Hale and Gabrielle, we must still make time to celebrate."
Published in General News
Kumara growers are bracing for more bad news as harvesting gets underway in flood-ravaged Northland.
Published in General News
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