man o war
CNH Industrial and One Smart Spray, the joint venture between Bosch and BASF, have signed a collaboration agreement to integrate the latter’s advanced spraying system within CNH Industrial’s agricultural brand product portfolios.
Published in Machinery & Products
It's that time again to break out the gumboots and a warm coat for the National Fieldays, which for 2023, returns to its normal mid-winter timeslot.
Published in Management
A new online storehouse of maps and data aims to provide a wider variety of land use options for New Zealand’s regions.
Published in Management
The humble muck-spreader has evolved into the technological age, with UK-built Bunning rear discharge spreaders offering a range of options to suit today’s precision farming requirements.
Published in Machinery & Products
The country’s largest family owned and single-site kiwifruit and avocado post-harvest service provider has signed up to a sustainability linked loan (SLL) with ASB.
Published in Agribusiness
Primary sector education and exciting career opportunities will be showcased at the Fieldays Opportunity Grows Here Careers Hub next month.
Published in Agribusiness
The Fieldays Forestry Hub will again feature at Mystery Creek in Waikato.
Published in Agribusiness
AI is being used to report on samples with high parasite counts ensuring farmers with high FECs (faecal egg counts) receive results within minutes.
Published in Farm Health
OPINION: The Ministry for the Environment (MfE) recently released a report on the state of New Zealand freshwater (“Our Fresh Water 2023”).
Published in Opinion
OPINION: Government, industry representatives and media always state: “our commentary, policy etc., is science based” and “the science is settled”.
Published in Opinion
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