DEMAND FROM China will still probably keep the primary sector buoyant despite world volatility. That’s the key message from a number of industry leaders and economists at last week’s National Fieldays
Published in General News
THE GROWTH of our economy and our major primary biological exports are threatened by ongoing leaks in our borders to incursions of dangerous pests and diseases.
Published in Opinion
ProWein is considered by many to be one of the most important international wine fairs and this year it attracted over 40,000 visitors from right across Europe, and even as far afield as Russia and China.
Published in General News
For growers the end of harvest means they will be contemplating the financial result from the year's work. For most, the news will not be good. Low yields and grape prices mean most growers will not have fared well in the past 12 months. Ironically the cause of the tough times this year is not too many grapes, but not enough.
Published in Opinion
Funds left over from wool levies collected by Meat & Wool New Zealand – now Beef + Lamb New Zealand - have supported the development of a new fabric that blends waste rice straw and New Zealand strong wool.
Published in General News
AUSTRALIA IS buying New Zealand stock in its struggle to keep up with demand for export heifers particularly to China.
Published in General News
Primary sector export revenue is expected to decline in 2012/13, a Ministry for Primary Industries report shows.
Published in General News
When compared to last weeks sale in the North Island, wool was generally dearer at yesterday's sale despite a slight increase in the NZ dollar.
Published in Markets
The People's Republic of China's Government of Guizhou Province and New Zealand's Te Puni Kokiri (Ministry of Maori Development) have launched an international agricultural exchange programme.
Published in General News
THE WOOL SALE held in the South Island today (Thursday) comprised 10,334 bales of which 7, 587 reached market reserves or above, New Zealand Wool Services International Limited's general manager, John Dawson reports.
Published in General News
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