The limited offering of 4200 bales from the South Island on offer this week saw a 58% clearance and a generally firmer market, New Zealand Wool Services International Ltd's general manager, John Dawson reports.
Published in General News
A programme of improvements on the Crafar farms will begin as soon Chinese company Shanghai Pengxin can settle on the properties.
Published in General News
Social media is helping our beef and lamb exporters win new fans.
Published in General News
The iFarm lamb procurement indicator measures the current lamb farmgate price as a percentage of the UK leg price when brought back into NZ dollars.
Published in Markets
Renewed interest from China saw the finer types well supported in the combined North and South Island wool sales comprising 15,200 bales, NZ Wool Services International Ltd's, general manager, John Dawson reports.
Published in General News
FONTERRA IS the fourth-largest dairy company globally in Rabobank’s rankings released last week but the bank expects vigorous competition in the coming year as companies ‘jostle’ to position themselves for changing markets.
Published in General News
A NEW infant formula, made from New Zealand milk, has been launched in China.
Published in General News
With the official cash rate due out on Thursday, farmer confidence at the beginning of the 2012-13 season has plummeted in Federated Farmers latest farm confidence survey.
Published in General News
MEAT INDUSTRY Association chairman Bill Falconer says New Zealand’s future does not lie in feeding the masses.  Instead, our food sector should target the top end of traditional and emerging markets with value-added products. Our customers should be prepared to pay a premium for the best.
Published in General News
With trading in the EU/UK market difficult, NZ lamb exporters are actively looking for other markets to place product.
Published in Markets
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