I have two big wishes for 2013; an end to the ‘farmer v. environmentalist’ bickering and the Trans Pacific Partnership.  
Published in Opinion
The combined North and South Island Wool Sale offering of 16,850 bales saw a softening in price levels as pressure from urgent shipping requirements came off, New Zealand Wool Services International Ltd's general manager John Dawson says.
Published in General News
A China-based subsidiary company of Zespri has pleaded not guilty to charges of criminal smuggling related to alleged under-declaration of customs duties by independent importers in a Shanghai court yesterday.
Published in General News
The combined North and South Island first wool auction for 2013 resulted in a strong market based on recent increased buying interest particularly from China, New Zealand Wool Services International Ltd’s general manager, John Dawson says.
Published in General News
A NEW giant Asian free trade negotiation was launched last month – at the end of the East Asia Summit in Cambodia – with a goal to complete the deal by the end of 2015.
Published in Opinion
WE SHOULD give thanks for those fearless souls who still believe they can save the strong-wool industry. As those who have gone before have found, the path to this salvation can be unforgiving.
Published in Opinion
A KEY Australian agricultural executive has warned if the Trans Pacific Partnership negotiations get bogged down in complications, they will advise their Government not to bother.
Published in General News
A KEY Australian agricultural executive has warned if the Trans Pacific Partnership negotiations get bogged down in complications, they will advise their Government not to bother.
Published in General News
The 7800 bales of North Island wool on offer this week saw a 92% clearance with a firm market for the finer crossbred wools and lower levels for the coarser sector, NZ Wool Services International Ltd's marketing executive Paul Steel says.
Published in General News
The combined North and South Island sale comprising 14,100 bales saw a 91.2% clearance with an overall firm market tone, says NZ Wool Services International Ltd's general manager, John Dawson.
Published in General News
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