Our dairy industry risks being exposed to a ‘ticking time bomb’ of unethical players unlawfully passing off New Zealand-made and packed milk powder products in China as supplements for babies.
Published in General News
MPI says it takes the claims made by Jane Li seriously and where it has evidence that exporters are not meeting their requirements, it will take action.
Published in General News
The country's second-largest milk processor says the recent hike in global dairy prices won’t change its ‘disciplined’ milk price forecasting.
Published in General News
A small but select group of Fonterra farmers are on the cusp of setting a new milk payout record.
Published in General News
A buoyant Chinese market has triggered a lift in the 2020-21 forecast farmgate milk price.
Published in General News
New Zealand’s largest organic apple producer says it cannot keep up with the Chinese demand for New Zealand’s newest apple, Dazzle.
Published in General News
New Zealand horticulture exports reached a record-breaking $6.2 billion in the year ending June 2019 – an increase of $720 million on the previous year.
Published in General News
The experience of PSA – and the way Italy and China dealt with Covid-19 – shaped how Trevelyans Packhouse proactively manages their way through the Covid pandemic.
Published in General News
There could be another dairy health scare brewing in China and this one starts in our backyard.
Published in Milking It
A survey of agribusiness leaders has again found biosecurity as the major issue of concern.
Published in General News
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