Displaying items by tag: climate change
Public views sought on environment topics
A big bouquet for grassroots environmentalists
Being a dairy farmer and an environmentalist, I have been perplexed by the banter and politicking over the regional council's One Plan implementation.
UV-B exposure could influence flavonoids
Ultraviolet radiation (UV) could be used to enhance the quality of many crops, says Lincoln University UV-B expert Professor Brian Jordan.
Fonterra, DOC supporting godwits and red knots
As part of their Living Water partnership, Fonterra and DOC are supporting an international partnership to secure a safe flight path for NZ's bird of the year.
Optimistic about Paris talks
The French ambassador to New Zealand, Florence Jeanblanc-Risler, opened the first session of the Auckland climate change conference stating, "the world is on track for a robust agreement at COP21 in Paris".
Giving credit where it’s due - Editorial
It's almost too good to be true. A report on the state of the New Zealand environment that is honest, factual and not littered with references to the damage farmers alone are doing to land and water.
‘All science, all gases mantra’ was wrong
When you have a hard problem and no solutions you tend to ignore it: that's what New Zealand has been doing about greenhouse gas emissions, says Anders Crofoot, Federated Farmers spokesman on climate change.
Could ag come later in climate change action?
Diplomatic representatives speaking yesterday in Auckland believe there is a strong chance of global agreement in the upcoming climate negotiations in Paris in December.
Feds back ambitious climate change target
Federated Farmers says the Government's climate change target, announced last week, is an ambitious one for New Zealand in reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 30% below 2005 levels by 2030.
Dairy breeds for climate change
With the threat of climate change confronting New Zealand dairy farming, CRV Ambreed says their tropical dairy breed may provide a solution.