Displaying items by tag: Fonterra
Gay old time!
OPINION: The Hound notes how Fonterra proudly boasted about participating in Auckland's recent Pride Parade.
Myriad of challenges for farmers, workers
While the grass is green on the country's dairy farms, the owners and workers are facing a myriad of challenges.
Dairy cash flow turning red
Plunging global dairy prices and rising input costs are forcing some farms into negative cash flow, according to Federated Farmers dairy chair Richard McIntyre.
OPINION: Greenpeace is continuing its crusade against Fonterra, this time over its 'Simply Milk' product line.
Editorial: Targeting Scope 3 emissions
OPINION: There is unease among Fonterra’s 9000 farming families on what the looming Scope 3 emissions target may look like.
Wide-ranging milk price forecast for new season
Analysts remain divided on the forecast farmgate milk price for the new season, starting in less than two months.
Chair enjoying new role
Scope 3 emissions 'causing unease'
There is some unease among Fonterra's shareholder base as the co-operative sets out to tackle Scope 3 emissions generated by the business.
Fonterra narrows forecast milk price range
Weaker global dairy prices have forced Fonterra to further reduce its 2022/23 season forecast farmgate milk price range by 20c.