Displaying items by tag: Fonterra
Corporate farmer doubles its profit
HIGH COMMODITY prices doubled the annual profit of corporate farmer Rural Equities Ltd in the last financial year.
Fonterra, MFAT to build dairy in developing countries
FONTERRA AND the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) plan to work together to help developing countries build viable dairy industries and increase dairy nutrition knowledge.
Upskill to cope with less
FARMERS’ PROBLEMS caused by the drop in Fonterra’s forecast milk solid payout are best tackled head-on with agribusiness management training, says Primary ITO, which offers courses in this discipline.
The need is urgent to review and revise budgets and monitor cashflow to ensure debt levels don’t rise unnecessarily. Spending cuts, increasing milk production and generally improving onfarm performance are among the options.
Fonterra’s 3rd YouTube series
FONTERRA FARMERS' sustainable dairying initiatives are back in the spotlight with the launch of the co-op's third Farm Focus series on YouTube.
Sri Lanka Anchor ban lifted
THE SRI Lanka's Ministry of Health has lifted the temporary hold on the sale of three batches of its 400 gram Anchor full cream milk powder.
Farm Source to boost Fonterra’s connectivity to farmers
FONTERRA IS boosting its connectivity to farmers through the Farm Source programme which will support farmers and their farming businesses and bolster the cooperative's connection with rural communities in New Zealand.
Farmers told to reassess costs
DairyNZ says the latest drop in Fonterra's forecast farmgate milk price for the 2014-15 season is a signal to farmers to reassess the costs of their farm system.
Fonterra investing in NZ
Fonterra chief executive Theo Spierings says the co-op is investing $750 million to lift processing capability over the peak processing months.
$13.3b flowed in last season
Farmers will be ‘disappointed’
Fonterra Shareholders Council chairman, Ian Brown says farmers will be disappointed with the latest drop in the 2014-15 season forecast payout.