Displaying items by tag: DairyNZ
Farmer advisory panel for animal evaluation
New Zealand Animal Evaluation (NZAEL), a subsidiary of DairyNZ, has set up farmer advisory panel to provide practical, farmer-based feedback on animal evaluation R&D and communication.
Farmer morale ‘improving’
DairyNZ director Ben Allomes says dairy farmer morale has lifted in the last few months to sit now at six or seven out of ten.
Hanging out for GM forage
Farmers hearing about the potentially huge benefits of genetically modified forage being developed by AgResearch are incredulous that it could be years -- if ever – before they can get their hands on it.
Dairy hate campaign hits farmers’ kids
Disagreement over quad safety
Water Accord - ‘business as usual’
The targets in the Sustainable Dairying Water Accord are effectively becoming normal business practice for dairy farmers, says a DairyNZ director, Alister Body.
Less milk to help lift price
Lower milk production around the world will help keep the farmgate milk price high, says DairyNZ chairman Michael Spaans.
Things looking better - Spaans
DairyNZ chairman Michael Spaans says after three “very tough” years, things are looking better for farmers.
‘Significant’ progress on protecting waterways
Dairy farmers are tackling environmental issues head on and have made significant progress on their commitment to protecting dairy waterways.
How will Northland cope next season?
The weather in the next two months will play a big part in how dairy farmers in Northland cope in the new season. That’s the view of DairyNZ’s regional leader in the province, Chris Neill.