Winston Peters has been at it again, hiding behind the cloak of Parliamentary privilege to deliver another conspiracy-riddled attack, this time on the directors and farmer shareholders of Silver Fern Farms.
Published in Opinion
On-shelf dairy prices for consumers in China are too high so demand is not growing, says Fonterra's chief executive Theo Spierings.
Published in General News
Fonterra says milk collection this season will be down 5% compared to last year.
Published in General News
Alliance Group has reported a pre-tax profit of $7.9 million on the back of challenging sheepmeat markets.
Published in General News
The Commerce Commission has approved Cavalier Wool Holdings' (Cavalier) application to acquire NZ Wool Services International's (NZWSI) wool scouring business and assets.
Published in General News
Dairy, kiwifruit, apples, cherries and wine are among winners in the "spectacular" growth in exports to Chinese Taipei in the last two years, says Trade Minister Tim Groser.
Published in General News
Primary Industries Minister Nathan Guy will attend agricultural conferences on a four-day trip to Australia and China.
Published in General News
NZ Wool Services International's North Island offering of 5400 bales received strong support with 99% selling, chief executive John Dawson says.
Published in Markets
There's no better recognised brand and trademark than JCB, famous for its bright yellow diggers.
Published in Machinery & Products
China Dairy Corporation Ltd, an industry leader there, will list on the Australian Stock Exchange.
Published in Agribusiness
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