cable tie mount
New National MP-elect for Northland Matt King, who took the seat off Winston Peters, is not taking anything for granted until the special votes are counted.
Published in General News
Farmers are being urged to keep themselves and staff safe when doing routine jobs with vehicles after a farm employee was crushed under a quad while travelling on sloping terrain with a spray tank fitted to the front of the vehicle.
Published in General News
New Holland distributor CB Norwood, Palmerston North, has released the latest Tier 4 versions of the popular T4 series tractors to replace the T4000 and entry spec T5000 ranges.
Published in Machinery & Products
Attracting and retaining good people and having a flexible and resilient farming system is the cornerstone of a good dairy farm operation. 
Published in Management
It would be a step backwards to the 1950s if raw milk has to be delivered to homes instead of to collection points in the cities, says Raw Milk Producers Association of NZ chairman Ray Ridings.
Published in General News
Matakana,   Ben Dugdale, chairman of the Matakana Winegrowers Association says the 2013 harvest was one of the easiest he has ever encountered in the region, with the exception of the ripening phase being relatively widely spaced apart.
Published in General News
Recent publicity around quad bike and ATV accidents has brought ATVs and their riders’ safety under the spotlight again.
Published in Machinery & Products
A RATHER dangerous and insidious attack on farmers’ private property rights is currently being mounted by the state-owned utilities giant Transpower. 
Published in Opinion
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