man o war
A new pet food canning factory at Hornby is promising better overall returns for farmers as it taps into lucrative export markets.
Published in General News
The finalists for the 2024 Ahuwhenua Trophy for the top Māori dairy farm were announced at a special function in Parliament earlier this week.
Published in General News
Meat Industry Association chief executive, Sirma Karapeeva, says she hopes that National Lamb Day will now take place every year.
Published in General News
The meat industry has a job to sell the value proposition of lamb, says Agriculture Minister Todd McClay.
Published in General News
When it comes to favourite car brands, Kiwis tend to fall into the Holden or Ford camps.
Published in Machinery & Products
As New Zealand swelters in record hot and humid conditions, dairy farmers need to be more vigilant than usual against facial eczema (FE) as spore counts start to climb.
Published in Farm Health
Paul Clement admits to being a “one-eyed Cantabrian”, but he has no regrets about buying his Awatuna farm on the West Coast.
Published in Management
Farmers are being encouraged to have their say on a New Zealand Meat Board (NZMB) proposal to continue funding the Informing New Zealand Beef (INZB) genetics programme and supporting a new facial eczema research project.
Published in Farm Health
When a biosecurity incursion is identified, many things need to be done very quickly in order to stop the spread and eradicate a new invasive pest or disease before populations grow to a level where eradication is no longer a feasible option.
Published in Industry
Helping members navigate the upcoming Regulations
Published in Industry
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