man o war
Oz Clarke - wine expert, author, TV presenter, thespian, theologian, singer, and cyclist - was inducted to the New Zealand Hall of Fame in 2016 in recognition of his extraordinary advocacy for this county's wine, and especially the Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc he's waxed lyrical about for 39 years.
Published in General News
For young wine professionals who have been mentored by Cath Archer, it is her wine industry knowledge, leadership expertise and branding experience that impresses them the most. But it was food that led her to a career in wine.
Published in Profiles
A new partnership to try and help solve the labour shortage gap for rural contractors in both NZ and the UK has recently been established.
Published in Machinery & Products
Any young fella with a Ford 5000 and an 80-inch Howard Rotovator can’t fail to be impressed by a slightly larger combination that recently set new record by cultivating 770ha in 24 hours.
Published in Machinery & Products
Electric cars and big American trucks can both bring a little anxiety, but for different reasons.
Published in Motoring
A key factor in the dramatic failure of commonly used triple drenches is that these are not effective on 27% of New Zealand sheep farms.
Published in Farm Health
Tomatoes New Zealand is encouraging NZ consumers to buy local and support New Zealand tomato growers.
Published in General News
Dr Annette Richardson has been acknowledged for her work in exploring budbreak – a crucial stage in the growth cycle of kiwifruit.
Published in General News
T&G Global recently unveiled the first commercial planting of its newest global premium apple variety Joli at one of the company's Hawke's Bay orchards.
Published in General News
One of the ways Beef+Lamb New Zealand (B+LNZ) is working to support farmers in addressing the challenges they face is through our extensive research and development (R&D) programmes.
Published in Management
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