yard max parts
IN PLANNING a new dairy conversion in Central Hawke’s Bay, Campbell Chard wanted the operation to use recycled water as much as possible.
Published in Agribusiness
Matakana,   Ben Dugdale, chairman of the Matakana Winegrowers Association says the 2013 harvest was one of the easiest he has ever encountered in the region, with the exception of the ripening phase being relatively widely spaced apart.
Published in General News
Removing rubbish from the vineyard floor after pruning is seen as an essential part of the botrytis prevention strategy. But what about the tendrils left on canes? Are they a botrytis risk?
Published in General News
THE WINNERS of the 2012 Bay of Plenty Sharemilker/Equity Farmer of the Year, Richard and Amy Fowler, thrive on diversity.
Published in Management
While Hawkes Bay has a long winemaking tradition, it has only been over the last few decades that its ability to grow a wide range of wine styles from an array of microclimates and soil types has been better understood.
Published in General News
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