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Friday, 11 November 2016 09:31

Give Trump time, says Trade Minister

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Trade Minister Todd McClay. Trade Minister Todd McClay.

We will be able to work with America on trade, says Trade Minister Todd McClay.

“I congratulate President-elect Trump,” McClay told Parliament yesterday in the third reading of the Trans Pacific Partnership Bill.

“It is important that we give the new President a chance put his team in place and consider his trade agenda. This will obviously take some time. We will be able to work with America on trade.”

McClay said the passage of this Bill would put New Zealand, as the first to have passed implementing legislation, in a stronger position.

“Now, more than ever, we need to be championing the cause of openness and inclusiveness. This remains the only way to secure prosperity for our economy, and generations to come,” he said.

He said our role is as a champion for trade liberalisation.

“Our vision for a mechanism to enhance trade between four countries grew into the largest trade agreement to date and which places us in the middle of a region encompassing nearly 40% of global GDP,” he said.

“We can be very proud of that, but we must continue to push for new trading opportunities and to continue to push for trade liberalisation wherever we can.”

He said other countries want to trade with us.

“They regard New Zealanders internationally as easy to deal with,” he said.

“We are upfront with our objectives. We produce high quality products and services. We are governed by the rule of law and respect our obligations. In turn, New Zealand companies are respected by their customers.

“But that reputation means little when we are trying to access markets where we are not permitted to sell our goods and services. It is only through continuing to improve market access, and boldly confronting barriers to trade, that our exporters can continue to thrive.

“We must continue to be outward looking and show leadership.”

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