Resistant pests a global problem for ag sector
A major global challenge for the agricultural industry is pesticide resistance. A resulting loss of pesticide options can be costly and environmentally harmful.
A new pesticide to combat parasitic worms in carrots, kumara, parsnips, and potatoes has been approved for use in New Zealand.
Plant-parasitic worms, or nematodes, are considered a major risk to root vegetables, with producers sometimes experiencing complete crop failure from the damage they cause.
The applicant, Adama New Zealand Limited, says it’s product Nimlitz will be an important tool to ensure the economic viability of these crops.
“EPA staff conducted comprehensive risk assessments and found the risks to people and the environment to be negligible, with appropriate rules in place,” says Dr Lauren Fleury, hazardous substances applications manager.
“Nimlitz is restricted to commercial use by professionals, and is a less hazardous alternative to fenamiphos-containing substances that are currently used. It will help reduce risks to workers, the soil, and the environment.”
The product contains the active ingredient fluensulfone, which is new to New Zealand but has been approved for use in various countries, including Australia, Canada, Japan, the United States, India and Brazil.
A hub farm in each of Beef + Lamb NZ’s seven regions and more focus groups are being rolled out for the red meat sector this year.
Horticulture New Zealand has welcomed the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council’s decision to advance plans for a new water storage facility on the Heretaunga Plains.
A 100-year-old Canadian irrigation district has taken inspiration from Canterbury irrigation company Central Plains Water's success in converting from an open race irrigation system to a gravity-fed piped system.
Red meat farmers have narrowly approved a 4% rise in the total pool for Beef + Lamb NZ director fees.
Beef and Lamb New Zealand (B+LNZ) chair Kate Acland says it’s not in red meat farmers’ interests to leave the Paris Agreement on climate change.
An initiative by the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) to connect farmers with scientists is taking off judging by the response at recent regional field days.