Sustainability Update: Moving sustainability forward in 2025
The New Zealand wine industry Environment Strategy goals highlight key objectives across six different focus areas: Water, waste, plant protection, soil, people, and climate change.
Freshwater Farm Plan Industry Guidelines
New Freshwater Farm Plan Industry Guidelines provide New Zealand’s wine industry with advice on how to manage the key risks posed by viticulture to our freshwater ecosystem.
The guidelines, released by New Zealand Winegrowers (NZW) in September, offer positive actions to enhance efforts to protect freshwater quality and ease the transition to a future regulatory environment which requires freshwater farm planning.
Water is a key component of the New Zealand wine industry’s Environment Strategy, within which our goal for freshwater is to be a world leader in efficient water use and the protection of water quality.
The impact on freshwater from viticulture is coming under increasing scrutiny from government regulators within New Zealand and gatekeepers to our markets offshore.
Consequently, it is crucial that we continue to apply creative thinking and innovative solutions across our industry to protect this precious resource.
Dr Edwin Massey is General Manager Sustainability at NZW